Name | Year | Degree | Dissertation Title | RefNum | Advisor |
Hess, Anya | 2023 | PhD | Evolution of Ocean Oxygen Deficient Zones during the Miocene: Insights from and for the I/Ca Paleo-Oxygenation Proxy | Rosenthal | |
Verhagan, Christina | 2023 | PhD | Characterizing magnetic signatures produced by impact cratering processes and post-impact hydrothermal alteration | Tikoo | |
Bourke, James | 2023 | PhD | Seismological and Tectonic Structure of Southern Costa Rica | Schlische | |
Mattos, Caio | 2023 | PhD | Hydrologic Controls on Ecosystem Structure and Function | Reinfelder | |
Joyse, Kristen | 2022 | PhD | The Fidelity of Paleo-Storm Records and Their Implications for Future Flood Risk | Kopp | |
Hanafi, Bari | 2021 | PhD | Rifting, Salt Tectonics, and Oblique Shortening: Insights from Seismic-Reflection Data and Scaled Experimental Models | Schlische | |
Schmelz, William J. | 2021 | PhD | New Insights on the Evolution of the Mid Atlantic Continental Margin and its Utility for Carbon Sequestration through Sequence Stratigraphic, Statistical, and Forward Modeling Methods | Miller | |
Potkay, Aaron J. | 2021 | PhD | Hydraulic Controls on the Productivity of Vegetation | Reinfelder | |
Liu, Winnie | 2021 | PhD | Photogeochemistry of Minerals Under Anoxic Conditions | Falkowski | |
Chen, Xiaoran | 2020 | PhD | Seismic Anisotropy and its Implications for the Formation and Evolution of Cratons | Levin | |
Setera, Jacob B. | 2020 | PhD | Last Act of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex: From the Final Major Pulse of Magma to Modern Ambient Temperatures | VanTongeren | |
Johnson, Christopher | 2019 | PhD | Late Pleistocene to Holocene Sea-Level Changes in New Jersey: Causes and Paleoenvironmental Implications | Miller | |
Sequeira Peraza, Cesar | 2019 | PhD | Withjack/Schlische | ||
Makarova, Maria | 2018 | PhD | Application of Multiproxy Tracers to Reconstruct Paleoenvironmental Perturbations on the Mid-Atlantic Margin across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | Miller | |
Si, Weimin | 2018 | PhD | Evolution and Paleobiology of Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera and Coccolithophores | Aubry | |
Lombardi, Christopher | 2017 | PhD | Sequence Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Strata from the Great Stone Dome to the Continental Slope, Northern Baltimore Canyon Trough: Implications to Sea-Level and Carbon Capture and Sequestration | Miller | |
Mortlock, Richard A. | 2017 | PhD | Wright | ||
Abdul, Nicole A. | 2017 | PhD | Wright | ||
Gavrilenko, Maxim | 2016 | PhD | Herzberg | ||
Thornburg, Jesse D. | 2016 | PhD | Miller | ||
Shokoohi Razi, Ayda | 2016 | PhD | Levin | ||
Neitzke Adamo, Lauren | 2016 | PhD | Wright | ||
Esmeray-Senlet, Selen | 2015 | PhD | Miller | ||
Vidito, Christopher A. | 2014 | PhD | Herzberg | ||
Wang, Huapei | 2014 | PhD | Equatorial paleomagnetic direction and paleointensity studies on lava flows from Galapagos for the Pliocene-Pleistocene | Kent | |
Bitting, Kelsey S. | 2013 | PhD | Mountain | ||
Bord, David | 2013 | PhD | Microevolution in coccolithophores: Examples from the Paleocene - Eocene | Aubry | |
Mana, Sara | 2013 | PhD | Magmatic evolution of the north Tanzanian divergence zone, east African rift system | Swisher | |
Mizintseva, Svetlana | 2013 | PhD | Broken windows in the greenhouse: Testing Late Cretaceous glacioeustasy | Miller | |
Condie, Claire | 2012 | PhD | The Use of Experimental Petrology to Generate an Impact Model for Formation of the Unique CBb Chondrules | Hewins | |
Ruiz Cubillo, Paulo | 2012 | PhD | Reconstruction of the Paleo and Neo stages of Poas and Turrialba volcanoes, Costa Rica: Competing processes of growth and destruction | Carr | |
Schaller, Morgan | 2012 | PhD | Large igneous provinces and Earth's carbon cycle: Lessons from the Late Triassic and rapidly emplaced Central Atlantic Magmatic Province | Kent | |
Kustu, Deniz | 2011 | PhD | Large-scale water cycle perturbation due to irrigation in the US High Plains | Reinfelder | |
Nikulin, Alex | 2011 | PhD | Sustaining volcanism in Central Kamchatka | Levin | |
Harris, Ashley | 2010 | PhD | Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Lowermost Eocene, New Jersey Coastal Plain: Implications for Eustatic and Paleoceanographic Change | Miller | |
Elmore, Aurora C. | 2009 | PhD | Late Pleistocene Changes in Northern Component Water: Inferences from Geochemical and Sedimentological Records from Gardar Drift | [ pdf PDF (6.16 MB) ] | Wright |
Gazel Dondi, Esteban | 2009 | PhD | Interaction of the Galapagos plume with the southern Central American Volcanic Front | Carr | |
Henderson, Samuel S. | 2009 | PhD | Tracking Deep-water Flow on Eirik Drift over the past 160 kyr: Linking Deep-water Changes to Freshwater Fluxes | Wright | |
Henza, Alissa | 2009 | PhD | Influence of pre-existing fault fabrics on normal-fauilt development: An experimental study | Withjack | |
Lindsay, Fara | 2009 | PhD | Geochemistry of lavas from southeastern Nicaragua and of mantle xenoliths from Cerro Mercedes, Costa Rica | Carr | |
Kulpecz, Andrew | 2008 | PhD | Sequence Stratigraphy of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain: An Evaluation of Eustasy, Sediment Supply Variations, and Passive Aggressive Tectonism | Miller | |
Monteverde, Donald H. | 2008 | PhD | Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Early and Middle Miocene Shelf Progradation Along the New Jersey Margin | Miller | |
Saginor, Ian | 2008 | PhD | Volcanic History of Western Nicaragua and Geochemical Evolution of the Central American Volcanic Front | Carr | |
Boesenberg, Joseph | 2007 | PhD | Experimental Petrology of Meteorites: Phosphorus and Oxygen Isotopes in Olivine | pdf P83 (19.87 MB) | Hewins |
Mollel, Godwin | 2007 | PhD | Petrochemistry and Geochronology of Ngorongoro Volcanic Highland Complex (NVHC) and its relationship to Laetoli and Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania | [ pdf PDF (3.88 MB) ] | Swisher |
Kahn, Alicia C. | 2006 | PhD | Morphometric variability in extant coccolithophores: implications for the fossil record | Aubry | |
Baum, Mark S. | 2006 | PhD | Controls on the Deformation Produced by Oblique Inversion of Rift Basins: Which Structures Reflect the Paleostrain State? | P88 | Schlische |
Bolge, Louise L. | 2005 | PhD | Constraining the Magmatic Sources of Hawaiian and Central American Volcanics | P87 | Carr |
Liutkus, Cynthia M. | 2005 | PhD | Paleclimate Reconstruction using Stable Isotopes of Freshwater Phreatic Carbonates | P86 | Wright |
Serfes, Michael E, | 2005 | PhD | Arsenic Occurrence, Sources, Mobilization, Transport and Prediction in the Major Bedrock Aquifers in the Newark Basin | P85 | Fan Reinfelder |
McHenry, Lindsay J. | 2004 | PhD | Characterization and Correlation of Altered Plio-Pleistocene Tephra Using a “Multiple Technique” Approach: Case Study at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania | P84 | Swisher |
Johnson, Lois A. | 2003 | PhD | The Partial Melting of a Forsterite -Albite Mixture Under Vacuum Observed in-Situ By High-Temperature X-Ray Diffractometry | P82 | Hewins |
Cohen, Bosmat A. | 2002 | PhD | Chondrule formation by open-system melting of nebular condensates | Hewins | |
Cramer, Benjamin S. | 2002 | PhD | Milankovitch Cycles and Comet Catastrophes: Carbon Isotope Variations in the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene | pdf P81 (11.79 MB) | Miller |
Fox, George E. | 2002 | PhD | Chondrule Synthesis Using Fine-Grained Precursors | P80 | Hewins |
Katz, Miriam E. | 2001 | PhD | Uncorking the Bottle: Causes and Effects of the Latest Paleocene Methane Hydrate Release | P79 | Miller |
Maguire, Timothy J. | 2001 | PhD | Continuation of the Appalachian Piedmont Under the New Jersey Coastal Plain Investigated using Geophysical and Drilling Data | Sheridan | |
Stanford, Scott D. | 2001 | PhD | Late Cenozoic Geomorphology and Surficial Geology of Central New Jersey | P78 | Ashley |
Deocampo, Daniel M. | 2001 | PhD | Geochemistry and Sedimentology of Modern East African Wetlands and a Pleistocene Paleo-Wetland at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania | P77 | Ashley |
Maharaj, Susan V. | 2000 | PhD | Chondrule and Calcium-Alminum-Rich Inclusion Formation: Possible Constraints from Experiments | P76 | Hewins |
Clifton, Amy E. | 2000 | PhD | Laboratory and Field Studies of Oblique Rifting | pdf P75 (19.15 MB) | Schlische |
Pekar, Stephen F. | 1999 | PhD | A New Method for Extracting Water Depth, Realitive Sea-Level, and Eustatic Records From Onshore New Jersey Oligocene Sequence Stratigraphy | P74 | Miller |
Malyk-Selivanova, Natalia | 1998 | PhD | Determination of Geological Sources for Prehistoric Chert Artifacts, Northwestern Alaska | pdf P73 (30.93 MB) | Ashley |
Ackermann, Rolf V. | 1997 | PhD | Spatial Distribution of Rift-Related Fractures: Field Observations, Expiremental Modeling, and Influences on Drainage Networks | pdf P72 (16.36 MB) | Schlische |
Herman, Gregory C. | 1997 | PhD | Structural Analyses of Exposed Pre-Cretaceous Bedrock Geology in the New Jersey Region | pdf P71 (17.37 MB) | Schlische |
Patino, Lina C. | 1997 | PhD | Geochemical Charaterization of Central American Subduction Zone System: Slab Input, Output from the Volcanoes, and Slab-Mantle Interactions | pdf P70 (22.77 MB) | Feigenson |
Browning, James V. | 1996 | PhD | Eocene Sequences and Benthic Foraminiferal Biofaces on the New Jersey Coastal Plain: Implications for Global Sea-leval Change | P69 | Miller |
Carey, John S. | 1996 | PhD | Late Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Continental Shelf | pdf P68 (28.62 MB) | Ashley/Sheridan |
Connolly, Harold C. | 1996 | PhD | The Complicated Nature of Chondrule Formation: An Experimental Investigation into the Melting and Precursor History of Chondrules | P67 | Hewins |
Bemis, Karen G. | 1995 | PhD | A Morphometric Study of Volcanoes in Guatemala, Iceland, the Snake River Plain, and the South Pacific | pdf P66 (26.79 MB) | Carr |
Sandberg, Stewart | 1995 | PhD | Simultaneous Modeling of Transient Electromagnetic and Resistivity/Induced Polarization Soundings to Improve Resolution in Hydrogeological Investigations | P65 | Sheridan |
Buckley, Gregory F. | 1994 | PhD | Paleontology, Geology, and Chronostratigraphy of Simpson Quarry (Early Paleoecene), Bear Formation, Crazy Mountain Basin, South-Central Montana | P64 | Flynn |
Sugarman, Peter J. | 1994 | PhD | Strontium Isotope and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Uppermost Campanian-Maestrictian and Miocene, New Jersey Coastal Plain | P63 | Miller |
Liu, Chengjie | 1993 | PhD | Uppermost Cretaceous-lower Paleocene Stratigraphy and Turnover of Planktonic Foraminifera Across the Cretaceous/Paleocene Boundary | P62 | Olsson |
Li, Hongcheng | 1991 | PhD | Cretaceous and Tertiary Seismic Stratigraphy of the Coastal Plain of Southern New Jersey | P61 | Sheridan |
Muller, Frederick L., Jr. | 1990 | PhD | The Paleoecology of the Liassic Benthic Foraminifera of Great Britain | pdf P60 (5.45 MB) | Olsson |
Sikora, Paul J. | 1989 | PhD | Albian to Turonian Paleoslope Model of Benthic Forminifera of the New Jersey Atlantic Margin and North Atlantic Basin | pdf P59 (23.82 MB) | Olsson |
Starcher, Robert W. | 1987 | PhD | A Constructional Morphological Analysis of the Fenestrate Colony Meshwork | P58 | McGhee |
Zeff, Marjorie Lee | 1987 | PhD | Tidal Channel Morphometry, Flow and Sedimentation in a Back-Barrier Salt-Marsh: Avalon/Stone Harbor, NJ | pdf P57 (12.28 MB) | Ashley |
Melillo, Allan J. | 1985 | PhD | Late Oligocene to Pliocene Sea-Level Cycle Events in the Baltimore Canyon Trough and Western North Atlantic Basin | pdf P56 (17.90 MB) | Olsson |
Nyong, Eyo E. | 1983 | PhD | A Paleoslope Model for Campanian to Lower Maestrichtian Foraminifera of the North American Basin and Continental Margin | P55 | Olsson |
Schofield, Richard E. | 1982 | PhD | Petrology of the Dundonald Komatiites, Dundonald, Ontario | P54 | Hewins |
Walker, James A. | 1982 | PhD | Volcanic Rocks from the Nejapa and Granada Cinder Cone Alignments, Nicaragua, Central America | P53 | Carr |
Gorycki, Michael A. | 1981 | PhD | Pyroxene Geothermometry of the Adirondack Lowlands | pdf P52 (11.54 MB) | Hewins |
Martino, Ronald L. | 1981 | PhD | The Sedimentology of the Late Tertiary Bridgeton and Pensauken Formations in Southern New Jersey | P51 | Ashley |
Aurisano, Richard W. | 1980 | PhD | Upper Cretaceous Subsurface Dinoflagellate Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey | P50 | Olsson |
Charletta, Anthony C. | 1980 | PhD | Eocene Benthic Forminiferal Paleoecology and Paleobathymetry of the New Jersey Continental Margin | pdf P49 (8.47 MB) | Olsson |
Nwaochei, Ben Nnaemeka | 1980 | PhD | Geophysical Investigation of the Nicaraguan Rise | pdf P48 (8.71 MB) | Morgan/Olsson |
Feldman, Howard R. | 1978 | PhD | Brachiopods and Community Ecology of the Onondaga Limestone | P47 | Olsson |
Raman, Swaminathan V. | 1978 | PhD | Petrology and Geochemistry of Anorthosite and Associated Rocks, Honey Brook, Pennsylvania | P46 | Hewins |
Holzer, Robert A. | 1977 | PhD | Soil Analysis by Tristimulus Color and Statistical Evaluations for Forensic Purposes | pdf P45 (6.90 MB) | Murray |
Kennish, Michael J. | 1977 | PhD | Effects of Thermal Discharge on Mortality of Mercenaria mercenaria in Barnegat Bay, N.J. | P44 | Olsson |
Althoff, Penelope L. | 1976 | PhD | Structural Refinements of Dolomite and a Magnesian Calcite | pdf P43 (2.13 MB) | Hamil |
Koch, Robert C. | 1975 | PhD | Dinoflagellate Biostratigraphy of Maestrichtian Formations of the New Jersey Coastal Plain | P42 | Olsson |
Mattis, Allen | 1975 | PhD | Nonmarine Triassic Sedimentation, Central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco | P41 | Murray |
Nemicks, Bronius | 1975 | PhD | Geohydrologic Digital Computer Simulation Model of the Wenoah-Mount Laurel Aquifer System in the Coastal Plain of New Jersey | P40 | Wolfe/Smith |
Petters, Sunday W. | 1975 | PhD | Subsurface Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of New Jersey | P39 | Olsson |
Pollock, Stephan G. | 1975 | PhD | Stratigraphy, Sedimentation and Basin Development of the Jacksonburg Limestone and Martinsburg Formation, Ordovician Northern New Jersey | pdf P38 (4.74 MB) | Murray |
Rhett, Douglas W. | 1975 | PhD | Phase Relationships and Petrogenetic Environment of Precambrian Granites of the New Jersey Highlands | P37 | Hamil |
Walter, James C. | 1975 | PhD | Origin and Paleoclimatic Significance of Fossil Periglacial Phenomena in Central and Northern New Jersey | P36 | Wolfe |
Cunliffe, James | 1974 | PhD | Description, Interpretation and Preservation of Growth Increment Patterns in Shells of Cenozoic Bivalves | P35 | Olsson |
Goldstein, Frederic | 1974 | PhD | Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Kirkwood Formation | pdf P34 (6.80 MB) | Olsson/Cousminer |
Youssefinia, Iradj | 1974 | PhD | Western North Atlantic Paleocene Benthonic Forminiferal Paleoecology | P33 | Olsson |
Bandoian, Charles A. | 1974 | PhD | The Pliocene and Pleistocene Rocks of Bonaire, N.A. | P32 | Murray |
Turner, Ronald F. | 1973 | PhD | The Paleoecological and Paleobiogeographic Implications of the Maestrichtian Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) of the Navesink Formation | P31 | Fox/Olsson |
Houlik, Charles W. Jr. | 1972 | PhD | Significance of Carbonate-Clastic Transitions in the Carboniferous of Western Wyoming | pdf P30 (5.66 MB) | Murray |
Krall, Donald B. | 1972 | PhD | Till Stratigraphy and Olean Ice Retreat in East Central New York | P29 | Wolfe |
Maxey, Lawrence R. | 1971 | PhD | Metamorphism and Origin of Precambrian Amphibolites of New Jersey | P28 | Smith |
Hirsch, Alfred M. | 1971 | PhD | Biostratigraphy of the Mancos Shale in Western New Mexico and Western and Central Colorado | pdf P27 (13.78 MB) | Fox |
El-Khayal, Abd | 1969 | PhD | Planktonic and larger Foraminferal Biostratigraphy of the Uppermost Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Formations of Eastern and Northwestern Saudi Arabia | P26 | Olsson |
Enright, Richard, Jr. | 1969 | PhD | The Stratigraphy, Micropaleontology and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Eocene Sediments of the New Jersey Coastal Plain | P25 | Olsson |
Chapman, Diana F. | 1968 | PhD | Petrology, Structure and Metamorphism of a Concordant Granodiorite Gneiss in the Grenville Province of Southeastern Ontario | pdf P24 (12.20 MB) | Vogel/Smith |
Johnson, Eben L. | 1968 | PhD | Precambrian Geology of Parts of Passiac County and Sussex County, New Jersey and Infrared Absorption Studies of Biotite | P23 | Smith |
Spence, William H. | 1968 | PhD | Relict Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Metavolcanic Rocks Mantling a Granite Dome and the Petrology of the Associated Rocks in the Grenville Province on Southeastern Ontario | pdf P22 (8.85 MB) | Vogel/Smith |
Goodspeed, Robert | 1967 | PhD | An Investigation of the Coexisting Feldspar from the Precambrian Plutonic Rocks in the Wanaque Area, New Jersey | P21 | Vogel |
Savage, E. Lynn | 1967 | PhD | The Triassic Sediments of Rockland County, New York | P20 | Johnson |
Spink, Walter J. | 1967 | PhD | Stratigraphy and Structure of the Paleozoic Rocks of Northwestern New Jersey | P19 | Johnson |
Bowman, James F. II | 1966 | PhD | Petrology of the Pensauken Formation | P18 | Martens |
Davids, Robert N. | 1966 | PhD | A Paleoecologic and Paleo-Biogeographic Study of Maastrichtian Planktonic Foraminifera | P17 | Olsson |
Isphording, Wayne C. | 1966 | PhD | Petrology and Stratigraphy of the Kirkwood Formation | P16 | Martens |
De Ratmiroff, Gregor | 1964 | PhD | Origin and Metamorphism of the Major Paragneiss of the Precambrian Imataca Complex: Upata Quadrangle, State of Bolivar, Venezuela | P15 | Smith |
Manspeizer, Warren | 1963 | PhD | A Study of the Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Petrology and Geologic History of the Canadaway and Conneaut Groups in Allegany County, New York | P14 | Johnson |
Rajagopalan, Natesayyar | 1963 | PhD | Stratigraphy, Micropaleontology and Paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Formations of Pondicherry, South India | pdf P13 (22.52 MB) | Olsson |
Drobnyk, John W. | 1962 | PhD | Sedimentation and Environments of the Aquia Formation | P12 | Fox/Olsson |
Macomber, Bruce E. | 1962 | PhD | Geology of the Cuale Mining District, Jalisco, Mexico | P11 | Smith |
Nogan, Donald S. | 1962 | PhD | Micropaleontology, Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Aquia Formation of Maryland and Virginia | P10 | Fox |
Adams, John K. | 1959 | PhD | Enviromental Studies of the Lower Tertiary Formations in New Jersey | P9 | Martens |
Page, Richard A. | 1959 | PhD | Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy of the Brightseat Formation | P8 | Fox |
Pryor, Wayne A. | 1959 | PhD | Cretaceous Geology and Petrology of the Upper Mississippi Embayment | P7 | Martens |
Lynd, Langtry E. | 1957 | PhD | A Study of the Mechanism of Alteration of Ilmenite | P6 | |
Thomson, Alan F. | 1957 | PhD | Petrology of the Silurian Quartzites and Conglomerates in New Jersey | P5 | Martens |
Nichols, Paul H. | 1956 | PhD | The Stratigraphy of the Trinity Group in Southeastern Oklahoma, Southwestern Arkansas and Northeastern Texas | P4 | Johnson |
Sturm, Edward | 1956 | PhD | Mineralogy and Petrology of the Newark Group Sediments of New Jersey | P3 | Martens |
Nine, Ogden W., Jr. | 1954 | PhD | A Microfauna from the Upper Cretaceous Navesink Formation in New Jersey | Sci & Med. | Fox |
Donohue, John J. | 1951 | PhD | Littoral Sediments of Maine | P2 | Martens |
Light, Mitchell A. | 1950 | PhD | Glauconite of the New Jersey Coastal Plain | P1 | Martens |
Greacen, Katherine Fielding | 1938 | PhD |
A Bryozoan Fauna as a Criterion for the Correlation of the Vincentown Formation with Descriptions of some New Species of Bryozoa
Sci & Med. | Johnson |