The Earth and Planetary Science Laboratory and research group uses state-of-the-art analytical techniques to generate high precision isotopic data on meteorites and terrestrial samples. These data are interpreted in the context of astrophyiscal models and geodynamic models to further our understanding of the chemical building blocks of our Solar System and Earth.
Current research areas include:
- Using the distribution of isotopes in meteorites and terrestrial materials to constrain the building blocks of the Solar System and the Earth.
- Integrating high-precision cosmochemical isotope data and astrophysical models to identify the stellar contributions to the early Solar System.
- Mass-spectrometry and the development and refinement of analytical chemical techniques to collect high-precision isotopic data.
- Utilizing petrographic observations, mineral data, whole rock element data, and radiogenic and stable isotope compositions from meteorites and terrestrial samples to generate a contextualized understanding of isotope data.