- B.A. Geology, University of Montana, Missoula
- M.S. Geology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Ph.D. Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley
- Introductory Geology, 01:460:101
- Geochronology
Research Interests
- 40Ar/39Ar mass spectrometry
- Quaternary Studies
- Geologic Timescales
- Calibration of vertebrate and hominin evolution
- Ach, J.A., Bateson, J.T., Turrin, B.D., Keith, W. J., Noble, D.C., Swisher III, C.C., 1991. Geologic map of the High Rock Lake Quadrangle, Washoe and Humboldt counties, Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, MF- 2157.
- Alvarado, G.E., Carr, M.J., Turrin, Brent D., Swisher III, C.C., Schmincke, H.-U., and Hudnut, K.W. 2006. Recent volcanic history of Irazú volcano, Costa Rica: Alternation and mixing of two magma batches, and pervasive mixing, inRose, W.I., Bluth, G.J.S., Carr, M.J., Ewert, J., Patino, L.C., and Vallance, J. (Editors), Volcanic hazards in Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 412, p. 259–276, doi: 10.1130/2006.2412(14).
- Antón, S.C. and Swisher III, C.C., 2000. Evolution and variation of cranial capacity in Asian Homo erectus. in Festschrift in honor of the career of Dr. Teuku Jacob. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. edited by E. Indriati, Univ. Gadja Mada Press, p. 1-9.
- Antón, S.A. and Swisher III, C.C., 2004. Early Dispersal of Homo from Africa. Annual Reviews in Anthropology, vol. 33, p. 271-96.
- Antón, S.C., Spoor, F., Fellmann, C.D., and Swisher III, C.C. 2006. Defining Homo erectus, in Henke, Rithe and Tattersall (editors) Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume III, Chapter 11. Springer-Verlag Press.
- Aubry, M.-P., Berggren, W.A., Van Couvering, J.A., Ali, J., Brinkhuis, H., Cramber, B., Kent, D.V., Swisher III, C.C., Dupuis, C., Gingerich, P., Heilmann-Clausen, C., King, C., Ward, D.J., Knox, R. W.O'b., Ouda, K., Stott, L.D., Thiry, M., 2003. Chronostratigraphy Terminology at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary. Geological Society of America Special Paper 369, p. 551-566.
- Aubry, M.-P., Swisher III, C.C., Kent, D.V., and W.A. Berggren, W.A., 2003. Paleocene Eocene boundary in the North Sea. Geology, vol. 31. p. 468-469.
- Baadsgaard, H., Lerbekmo, J.F., Wijbrans, J.R., Swisher III, C.C., Fanning, M., 1993. Multi-method radioisotopic age for a bentonite near the top of the Baculites reesidei Zone of southwestern Saskatchewan (Campanian-Maastrichtian stage boundary?). Can. Jour. Earth Sci.vol.30, p.769-775.
- Barrett, P.J., Adams, C.J., McIntosh, W.C., Swisher III, C.C., and Wilson, G.S., 1993. Geochronological evidence supporting Antarctic deglaciation three million years ago. Nature vol. 359, p. 816-818.
- Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Obradovich, J.D., and Swisher III, C.C., 1992. Toward a revised Paleogene Geochronology, In Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution, Edited by D.E. Prothero and W.A. Berggren, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. pp. 29-45.
- Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher III, C.C. and Aubry, M.-P., 1995. A Revised Cenozoic geochronology and chronostratigraphy, InGeochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation, Edited by W.A Berggren, Kent, D.V., Aubry, M.-P and Hardenbol, J. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Spec Publ. No. 54, p. 129-212.
- Bernor, R.L., Solounias, N., Swisher III, C.C. and van Couvering, J.A., 1996. The correlation of three classical "Pikermian" Mammal Faunas, Maragheh, Samos, and Pikermi, with the European MN Unit System. in R. Bernor, V. Fahlbusch, S. Rietschel, and H.-W. Mittmann (eds). The Evolution of Western Eurasian Mammal Faunas. Columbia University Press Books, New York, p. 137-156.
- Bestland, E.A., Retallack, G.J., Swisher III, C.C., 1997. Stepwise climate change recorded in Eocene-Oligocene paleosol sequences from Central Oregon: Jour. Geology 105, p. 153-172.
- Blumenschine, R., Peters, C., Masao, F., Clarke, R., Deino, A., Hay, R., Swisher III, C.C., Stanistreet, I., Ashley, G., McHenry, L., Sikes, N., Van Der Merwe, N., Tactikos, J., Cushing, A., Deocampo, D., Njau, J. and Ebert, J., 2003. Late Pliocene Homo and hominid land use from western Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Science vol. 299, p. 1217- 1221.
- Carr, M. J., I. Saginor, G. E. Alvarado, L. L. Bolge, F. N. Lindsay, K. Milidakis, B. D. Turrin, M. D. Feigenson, and C. C. Swisher, III (2007), Elient fluxes from the volcanic front of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8, Q06001, doi:10.1029/2006GC001396.
- Charrier, R., Wyss, A.R., Norell, M.A., Flynn, J.J., Novacek, M.J., McKenna, M.C., Swisher III, C.C., Frassinetti, D., and Salinas, P., 1990. Hallazgo de mamiferos fosiles del Terciario inferior en el sector de Termas del Flaco, Cordillera Principal, Chile central: Implicaciones paleontologicas, estratigraficas y tectonicas. II Simposio Sobre el Terciario de Chile: Procesos y productos de depositacion en el ambito andino. Ciudad Universitaria, Dec. 1990, p. 73-84.
- Charrier, R., Wyss, A. R., Flynn, J. J., Swisher III, C.C., Spichiger, S., Zapatta, F., 1994. Nuevos antecedentes estratigraficos y para las formaciones Coya-Machali y Abanico, entre 33° 50' y 35° Cordilleras principal Chilena. in, 7th congreso geologico Chileno; actas. Edited by E. Campos, Actas Congreso Geologico Chileno, vol. 7 (2), p. 1316-1319.
- Charrier, R., Wyss, A.R., Flynn, J.J., Swisher III, C.C., Norell, M.A., Zapatta, F., McKenna, M.C., and Novacek, M.J., 1996. New Evidence for Late Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic evolution of the Chilean Andes in the Upper Tinguiririca Valley (35°S), Central Chile. S. Amer. Jour. Earth Sci.vol. 9 (5-6), 393-422.
- Charrier, R., Flynn, J.J., Wyss, A. R. Wyss, Zapatta, F., and Swisher III, C.C., 1997. Antecentes bio y chronoestratgráficos de la formación Coya-Machali -Abanico, entre Los Ríos Maipo y Teno (33° 55' y 35° 10' L.S.), Cordillera Principal, Chile Central: VIII Congresso Geológico Chileno, ACTAS, 1: 465-469.
- Client, B. M., Swisher III, C.C., and Rhodda, P., 1997. New magneto-stratigraphic and 40Ar/39Ar dating results from the Suva Marl, Fiji: Calibration of the Early Pliocene Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale: Earth Planet. Sci. Lettersvol.151, p. 107-115. PDF
- Coles, S., Prothero, D.R., Quinn, J.P., and Swisher III, C.C., 1997. Magnetic stratigraphy of the middle Miocene Bopesta Formation, Southern Sierra Nevada, California: Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Pacific Section, Spec. Publ., p. 1-14.
- Dashzeveg, D., Novacek, M.J., Norell, M.A., Clark, J.M., Chiappe, L.M., Davidson, A., McKenna, M.C., Dingus, L., Swisher III, C.C., Altangerel, P., 1995. Unusual preservation in a new vertebrate assemblage from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Nature vol. 374, p. 446-449.
- Dashzeveg, D., Dingus, L., Loope, D.B., Swisher III, C.C., Togtokh, D., Sweeney, M.R., 2005. New Stratigraphic Subdivision, Depositional Environment, and Age Estimate for the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation, Southern Ulan Nur Basin, Mongolia. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. NovitatesNo. 3498, p. 1-31.
- Deino, A.L., Renne, P.R., Swisher III, C.C., 1998. 40Ar/39Ar Dating in Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Evol. Anthro. , vol. , p. 63-75.
- Dingus, L., Clarke, J., Scott, G., Swisher III, C.C., Chiappe, L.M., and Coria, R.A., 1999. Stratigraphy and Magnetostratigraphic / Faunal constraints for the age of Sauropod embryo-bearing rocks in the Neuquén Group (Late Cretaceous, Neuquén Province, Agrentina. Am. Museum Noitates vol. 3290, p. 1-11. PDF
- Fleagle, J.G., Bown, T.M., Swisher III, C.C. and Buckley, G., 1995. Age of the Pinturas and Santa Cruz Formations. VI Congreso Argentino de Paleontologia y Bioestratigrafia, Acta, Trelew, 1995, p.129-135.
- Flynn, J.J., Wyss, A.R., Charrier, R. and Swisher III, C.C., 1995. An Early Miocene anthropoid skull from the Chilean Andes. Nature vol. 373, p. 603-607.
- Flynn, J.J., and Swisher III, C.C., 1995. Cenozoic South American Land Mammal Ages: Correlation to global geochronologies, InGeochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation, Edited by W.A Berggren, Kent, D.V., Aubry, M.-P and Hardenbol, J. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral Spec Publ. No. 54, p. 317-334.
- Flynn, J.J., Guerrero, J., Swisher III, C.C., 1997. Geochronology of the Honda Group, Columbia. in Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neoptropics, The Miocene Fauna of La Venta, Columbia, edited by R.F. Kay, Madden, R.H., Cifelli, R.L., and Flynn, J.J., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., p. 44-60.
- Flynn, J.J. Kowallis, B.J., Nunez, C., Carranza-Castaneda, O., Miller, W. Swisher III, C.C. and Lindsay, E., 2005. Geochronology of hemphillian-Blancan Aged Strata, Guanajuato, Mexico, and Implications for timing of the Great American Biotic Interchange. Journal of Geology, vol. 113, p. 287-307.
- Gabunia, L., Jöris, O., Justus, A., Lordkipanidze, D., Muschelisvili, A., Nioradze, M., Swisher III, C.C. and Vekua, A. 1999. Neue hominindenfunde des Altipaläolithischen fundplatzes Dmanisi (Georgienm Kaukasus) im kontext aktueller grabungsergebnisse. Archäologisches Korrespondenz-blatt29, 451-488.
- Gabunia,L., Vekua, A., Ferring, R., Justus, A., Lordkipanidze, D., Swisher III, C.C., Tvalchrelidze, M., Antón, S.C., Bosinski, G., de Lumley, M.-A., Majsuradze, G., Mouskhelishvili, A., and Nioradze, M., 2000. Earliest Pleistocene hominid cranial remains from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia, taxonomy, geologic setting and age. Science vol. 288, p. 1019-1025.
- Gabunia,L., Anton, S.A., Lordkipanidze, D., Vekua, A., Justus, A., and Swisher III, C.C., 2001. Dmanisi and Dispersal. Evol. Anthro., vol. 10, 158-170.
- Hanneman, D.L., Wideman, C.J., Swisher III, C.C., 1991. 40Ar/39Ar and 40K-40Ar Ages for the Cenozoic Basin-fill rocks, southwestern Montana. Iso. West.
- Kappelman, J., Simons, E.L. and Swisher III, C.C., 1992. Paleomagnetic reversal stratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Fayum deposits, northern Egypt. Jour. Geology vol. 100, p. 647-668.
- Kappelman, J., Swisher III, C.C., Fleagle, J.G., Yirga, S., Bown, T., Feseha, M. 1996. Age of Australopithecus from Fejej, Ethiopia. Jour. Hum. Evol. vol. 30, p. 139-146.
- Kappelman, J., Duncan, A., Feseha, M., Lunkka, J.-P., Ekart, D., McDowell, F., Ryan, T.M., and Swisher III, C.C., 2003. Chronology, in Geology and Paleontology of the Sinap Formation, Turkey, edited by Fortelius, M., Kappelman, J., Sen, S., and Bernor, R. L., Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 41-66.
- Kowallis, B. J., Swisher III, C.C., Caranza-Castaneda, Miller, W.E. and Tingey, D.E., 1997, Radiometric ages from fossil-bearing Pliocene sediments in Central Mexico. Revista, p. 1-5.
- Kowalis, B. J., Swisher III, C.C., Caranza-Castaneda, Miller, W.E. and Tingey, D.E., 1998. Preliminary radiometric dating of selected late Tertiary vertebrate faunas from Mexico: Avances en Investigación, Paleontología de Vertebrados Publicación Especial1, p. 103-108.
- Kowallis, B.J., Swisher III, C.C., Carranza-Castaneda, Miller, W.E., and Tingey, D.G., 1999, Fission-track and single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar dates from volcanic ash layers in fossil-bearing Pliocene sediments in Central Mexico: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas vol. 15(2), p. 157-160.
- Loope, D. B., Dingus, L., Swisher III, C.C., Minjin, C., 1998, Life and death in a Late Cretaceous dune field, Nemegt Basin, Mongolia. Geologyvol. 26, p. 27-30.
- MacFadden, B.J., Swisher III, C.C., Opdyke, N.D., and Woodburne, M.O., 1990. Paleomagnetism, geochronology, and possible tectonic rotation of the middle Miocene Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, southern California. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. vol. 102, p. 478-493.
- MacFadden, B.J., Anaya, F., and Swisher III, C.C., 1995. Neogene paleomagnetism and oroclinal bending of the central Andes of Bolivia. Jour. Geophys. Research, vol. 100, p. 8153-8176.
- Madden, R.H., Guerrero, J., Kay, R.F., Flynn, J.J., Swisher III, C.C., and Walton, A.H. The Laventan Stage and Age. in Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neoptropics, The Miocene Fauna of La Venta, Columbia, edited by R.F. Kay, Madden, R.H., Cifelli, R.L., and Flynn, J.J., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., p. 499-520.
- Marchant, D.R., Lux, D.R., Swisher III, C.C. and Denton, G.H., 1989. Early Pliocene volcanic ash rests on a polar desert pavement. in 1989 review. Washington, DC, National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, 1989 Antarctic Jour. United States vol. 24, no. 5 p. 58-60.
- Marchant, D.R., Lux, D.R., Swisher III, C.C., Denton, G.H., 1990. Early Pliocene volcanic ash rests on a polar desert pavement in the Dry Valleys. Antarctic Jour. of the U.S., vol. 25, p. 58-60.
- Marchant, D.R., Denton, G.H., Sugden, D.E., and Swisher III, C.C., 1993. Miocene glacial stratigraphy and landscape evolution of the Western Asgard Range, Antarctica. Geograpfiska Annaler vol. 75A, p. 303-330.
- Marchant, D.R., Denton, G.H. and Swisher III, C.C., 1993. Miocene - Pliocene - Pleistocene glacial history of the Arena Valley, Quatermain Mountains, Antarctica. Geograpfiska Annaler vol. 75A, p. 269-302.
- Marchant, D.R., Swisher III, C.C., Lux, D.L., West, D.P., Denton, G.H., 1993. Pliocene paleoclimate and East Antarctic Ice-Sheet history from surficial ash deposits. Sciencevol. 260, p. 667-670.
- Marchant, D.R., Denton, G. H., Swisher III, C.C., Potter Jr., N., 1995. Late Cenozoic Antarctic paleoclimate reconstructed from volcanic ashes in the Dry Valleys region of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Bull. Geol. Soc. America vol. 108 (2), p. 181-194.
- Marshall, L.G., Swisher III, C.C., Lavenu, A., Hoffstetter, R., Curtis, G.H., 1992. Geochronology of the mammal-bearing late Cenozoic of the northern Altiplano, Bolivia, S. Amer. Jour. Geologyvol. 5, p. 1-19.
- Mason, M.A. and Swisher III, C.C., 1989. New evidence for the age of the South Mountain Local Fauna, Ventura County, California. Los Angeles County Mus. Nat. Hist. Contrib. Sci., vol. 410, p. 1-9.
- McHenry, L.J., Mollel, G.F., and Swisher III, C.C.. Compositional and textural correlations between Olduvai GorgeBed I tephra and volcanic sources in the NgorongoroVolcanic Highlands, Tanzania. Quaternary InternationalVol.
- Mertz, D.F., Swisher III, C.C., Franzen, J.L. Neuffer, F.O., and Lutz, H., 2000, Numerical sating of the Eckfeld maar fossil site, Eifel, Germany: a calibration mark for the Eocene time scale. Naturwissenschaften vol. 87, p.270-274.
- Obradovich, J.O., Dockery, D.D., and Swisher III, C.C., 1993. 40Ar/39Ar ages of bentonites in the upper part of the Yazoo Formation (upper Eocene), West-Central Mississippi. Mississippi Geology vol. 14, p. 1-9.
- Othberg, K.L., Bonnichsen, B., Swisher III, C.C., Godchaux, M., 1995. Geochronology and geochemistry of Pleistocene basalts of the Snake River plain and Smith Prairie, Idaho. Isochron/West. vol. 62, p. 16-29.
- Prothero, D.R. and Swisher III, C.C., 1992. Magnetostratigraphy and geochronology of the terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America. In Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution, Edited by D.E. Prothero and W.A. Berggren, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, p. 46-73.
- Renne, P.R., Deino, A.L., Walter, R.C., Turrin, B.D., Swisher III, C.C., Becker, T.A., Curtis, G.H., Sharp, W.D., and Jaouni, A.-R., 1994. Intercalibration of astronomical and radioisotopic time. Geology vol. 22, p. 783-786.
- Renne, P.R., Swisher III, C.C., Deino, A.L., Karner, D.B., Owens, T.L., and DePaolo, D.J., 1998, Intercalibration of standards, absolute ages and uncertainties in 40Ar/39Ar dating. Chem. Geologyvol. 145, p. 117-152.
- Richmond, B.G., Fleagle, J.G., Kappelman, and Swisher III, C.C. 1998. First Hominoid from the Miocene of Ethiopia and the evolution of the Catarrhine elbow. Am. Jour. Phys. Anthro. vol. 105, p. 257-277.
- Rogers, R., Swisher III, C.C., and Horner, J. R., 1993. 40Ar/39Ar age and correlation of the nonmarine Two Medicine Formation (Upper Cretaceous), northeastern Montana, U.S.A. Can. Jour. Earth Sci. vol. 30, p. 1066-1075.
- Rogers, R., Swisher III, C.C., Soreno, P.C., Forster, C.A., and Mometta, A.M. 1993. The Ischigualasto tetrapod assemblage) Late Triassic, Argentina and 40Ar/39Ar age calibration of dinosaur origins. Sciencevol. 260, p. 794-797.
- Schneider, J.-L.,; Fisher, R.V., Johnson, S.Y.; Swisher III, C.C., Mason, M.A. Obradovich, J.D., Cotton, M. -L., Filewicz, M.V., Vork, D.R., Pawlewicz, M.J., Valin, Z., Schneider, J.-L., Fisher, R. V., 1995. Obispo Formation, California; remobilized pyroclastic material. InSanta Maria Basin, California; Petroleum source potential and thermal maturity of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene) near Point Sal, onshore Santa Maria Basin, California; Obispo Formation, California, remobilized pyroclastic materials. Edited byR.G Stanley, U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. B1995-M,N,O, p. O1-O21.
- Sempere, T., Butler, R.F., Richards, D.R., Marshall, L.G., Sharp, W., Swisher III, C.C., 1997. Stratigraphy and chronology of Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleogene strata in Bolivia and Northwest Argentina. Geol. Soc. America Bull. vol. 109(6), p. 709-727.
- Stanley, R.G., Johnson, S.Y., Swisher III, C.C., Mason, M.A., Obradovich, J.D., Cotton, M.L., Filewicz, M.V., and Vork, D.R., 1996. Age of the Lospe Formation (Early Miocene) and origin of the Santa Maria Basin, California. U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1995, M1-M37.
- Stanley, R.G. Johnson, S.Y., Swisher III, Carl C., Mason, M. A., Obradovich, J.D., Cotton, M.-L., Filewicz, M.V., Vork, D.R., Pawlewicz, M.J., Valin, Z.C., Schneider, J.-L., Fisher, R.V., 1996. Age of the Lospe Formation (early Miocene) and origin of the Santa Maria Basin, California Petroleum source potential and thermal maturity of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene) near Point Sal, onshore Santa Maria Basin, California; Formation, California, remobilized pyroclastic materials. U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 1995, p. 1-95.
- Stanley, R.G., Pawlewicz, M.J., Vork, D.R., Johnson, S.Y., Valin, Z.C.; Johnson, S.Y., Swisher III, C.C., Mason, M.A., Obradovich, J.D., Cotton, M.-L., Filewicz, M.V., Vork, D.R., Pawlewicz, M.J.; Valin, Z.C., Schneider, J.-L., Fisher, R.V. Petroleum source potential and maturity of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene) near Point Sal, onshore Santa Maria Basin, California. InAge of the Lospe (early Miocene) and origin of the Santa Maria Basin, California; Petroleum source potential thermal maturity of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene) near Point Sal, onshore Santa Maria Basin, California; Obispo Formation, California, remobilized pyroclastic materials. Edited by R.G. Stanley, U.S. Geological Survey Bull. 1995-M,N,O, p. N1-N19.
- Storey, M., Duncan, R.A., and Swisher III, C.C. Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the Opening of the Northeast Atlantic. Science,vol. 316 (5824), p. 511-622.
- Sugden, D.E., Marchant, D.R., Potter Jr., N., Souchez, R.A., Denton, G.H., Swisher III, C.C., Tison, J.-L., 1995. Preservation of Miocene glacier ice in East Antarctica. Nature vol. 376, p. 412- 414.
- Swinehart, J. B., Diffendal Jr., R.F., Swisher III, C.C., 1995. Geologic map of Morrill County, Nebraska. U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Invest. Series, I- 2496.
- Swisher III, C.C. and Prothero, D.R., 1990. Single crystal 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America. Sciencevol. 249, p. 760-762.
- Swisher III, C.C., Grajales-Nishimura, J.M., Montanari, A., Cedillo-Pardo, E., Margolis, S.V., Claeys, P., Alvarez, W., Smit, J., Renne, P., Maurrasse, F. J-M. R., and Curtis, G. H., 1992. Chicxulub crater melt-rock and K-T boundary tektites from Mexico and Haiti yield coeval 40Ar/39Ar ages of 65 Ma. Sciencevol. 257, p. 954-958.
- Swisher III, C.C., Dingus, L. and Butler. R. F., 1993. 40A/39Ar calibration of the Puercan Land Mammal Age and the age of the North American nonmarine K-T boundary. Can. Jour. Earth Sci.vol. 30, p. 1981-1996.
- Swisher III, C.C., G.H. Curtis, T. Jacob, A.G. Getty, A. Suprijo, and Widiasmoro, 1994. Age of the earliest known hominids in Java, Indonesia. Science vol. 263, p. 1118-1121.
- Swisher III, C.C., 1994. Dating hominid sites in Indonesia. Science vol. 266, p.1727.
- Swisher III, C.C., 1996. 40Ar/39Ar dating of key European and West Asian Late Miocene age vertebrate localities and their contribution to Mammal Neogene (MN) Correlations. in The Evolution of Western Eurasian Mammal Faunas, edited by R. Bernor, Fahlbusch, V., Rietschel, S. and Mittmann, H.-W., Columbia University Press Books, New York, p. 64-77.
- Swisher III, C.C., Rink, W.J., Antón, S.C., Schwarcz, H.P., Curtis, G.H., Suprijo, A., and Widiasmoro, 1996. Latest Homo erectus of Java: potential contemporaneity with H. sapiens in Southeast Asia. Science vol. 274, p. 1870-1874.
- Swisher III, C.C., Rink, W.J., Schwarcz, H.P., and Antón, S.C. 1997. Dating the Ngandong Hominids. Science 276, p. 1575-1576.
- Swisher III, C.C., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Xu, X., Wang, Y. 1999. A Cretaceous Age for the Feathered Dinosaurs of China. Naturevol. 400, p. 58-61.
- Swisher III, C.C., Wang, X., Zhou, Z., Wang, Y., Jin, F., Zhang, J., Xu, X., Zhang, F., and Wang, Y., 2002. Further support for a Cretaceous age for the Feathered Dinosaurs of Liaoning, China: New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Yixian and Tuchengzi formations. Chinese Science Bulletin vol. 47:2, p. 135-137.
- Tedford, R.H.; Swinehart, J.B.; Swisher III, C.C., Prothero, D.R., King, S.A., Tierney, T.E., Emry, R.J., 1996. The Whitneyan-Arikareean transition in the High Plains. in Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America, edited by D.R. Prothero. Cambridge University Press, p. 312-334.
- Tedford, R.H., Albright, L.B., Barnosky, A.D., Ferrusqulia-Villafranca, I., Hunt, R.M., Storer, J.E., Swisher III, C.C., Vorrhees, M.R., Webb, S.D., Whistler, D.P., 2004. Mammalian Biochronology of the Arikareean through Hemphillian Interval (L. Oligocene through E. Pliocene Epochs) in M.O. Woodburne (editor) Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Mammals of North America. Columbia University Press, New York, p. 169-231.
- Tejedor, M.F., Tauber, A.A., Rosenberger, A.L., Palacios, M.E., and Swisher III, C.C. 2006. New Primate Genus from the Miocene of Argentina. Proceedings of the National Academy Science, vol. 103, pp. 5437-5441.
- Wing, S.L., Hickey, L.J., and Swisher III, C.C., 1993. Implications of an exceptional fossil flora for Late Cretaceoous vegetation. Nature vol. 363, p. 342-344.
- Woodburne, M.O., Tedford, R.H., and Swisher III, C.C., 1990. Litho-stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, southern California. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. vol. 102. p. 459-477.
- Woodburne, M.O. and Swisher III, C.C., 1995. Land mammal high resolution geochronology, intercontinental overland dispersals, sea level, climate and vicariance, InGeochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. Editedby Berggren, W.A. Kent, D.V., Aubry, M.-P and Hardenbol, J. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral Spec Publ. No. 54, p. 335-364.
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