Acronyms for log file names, with model number, date recorded, recording direction, and other descriptive information: BB-mpe-c.dat = Gamma-Multipoint Electric Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8044A), composite of logging open hole runs on 5/17/00 and 6/21/00; data from the first logging operation were re-scaled to match the scale of those from the later logging operation to provide an approximation of log values for the cased interval for this run, with the following scaling adjustments: gamma, no correction; SP, subtracted 40 from all values from first run for depths from 202.8 ft and above; RES, multiplied all values by 0.6592 from 208.1 ft and above; RES(16N), multiplied all values by 1.481 from 207.4 and above; RES(64N), multiplied all values by 5.198 from 205.4 and above. BB-ind-u.dat = Gamma-Induction Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9512A), 6/21/00, open hole, up-direction BB-ind-d.dat = Gamma-Induction Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9512A), 6/21/00, open hole, down-direction BB-mp1-u.dat = Gamma-Multipoint Electric Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8044A), 5/17/00, pass 1, open hole, up-direction BB-mp1-d.dat = Gamma-Multipoint Electric Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8044A), 5/17/00, pass 1, open hole, down-direction BB-mp2-u.dat = Gamma-Multipoint Electric Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8044A), 6/21/00, pass 2, open hole, up-direction BB-mp2-d.dat = Gamma-Multipoint Electric Logging Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8044A), 6/21/00, pass 2, open hole, down-direction BB-gr1-u.dat = Gamma Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9012A), 5/17/00, pass 1, within drill rods, up-direction BB-gr1-d.dat = Gamma Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9012A), 5/17/00, pass 1, within drill rods, down-direction BB-gr2-u.dat = Gamma Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9012A), 6/20/00, pass 2, within drill rods, up-direction BB-gr2-d.dat = Gamma Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9012A), 6/20/00, pass 2, within drill rods, down-direction BB-son-d.dat = Full-Wave Sonic Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9300A), 5/17/00, down-direction BB-son-u.dat = Full-Wave Sonic (Century Geophysical Company tool model 9300A), 5/17/00, up-direction BB-cal.dat = Caliper Tool (Century Geophysical Company tool model 8074A), 5/17/00, up-direction BB-logs.txt = descriptions & headers for each log, including the units for each track Acronyms for log types used in log files, with units in parentheses: AMP(N) = Sonic Amplitude, near receiver (mV) AMP(F) = Sonic Amplitude, far receiver (mV) AP-COND = Apparent (temperature-corrected) Conductivity (mmho/m) BHC-DELT = Borehole Compensated Delay Time (microsec/ft) CALIPER = Caliper Hole Diameter (inches) COND = Conductivity (corrected for skin effect and temperature) (mmho/m) DEL TEMP = Delta Temperature (deg C) DELTAT = Delay Time (microsec/ft) GAIN(N) = Gain, sonic near receiver (cps) GAIN(F) = Gain, sonic far receiver (cps) GR = Natural Gamma Ray (API units) LATERAL = Lateral Resistivity (ohm-m) POR(SON) = Sonic Porosity (%) RES = Single Point Resistance (gamma-electric tool) (ohm) RES = Calculated Resistivity (gamma-induction tool) (ohm-m) RES(16N) = Short Normal (16 in) Resistivity (ohm-m) RES(64N) = Long Normal (64 in) Resistivity (ohm-m) SP = Spontaneous Potential (mV) TIME(F) = Sonic Transit Time, far receiver (microsec) TIME(N) = Sonic Transit Time, near receiver (microsec) XTR PWR = Transmitter Power, sonic tool (%)